Who were the English Monarchs during the War of the Roses? And the Hundred Years War?

During the wars of the roses, was it just Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III? My teacher said there were four or five of them.

And for the hundred years war was it just Richard III, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI?

We have to do a time line of the English monarchs from William the Conqueror to Oliver Cromwell (supposed to be 23 monarchs)and we can't include the Wars of the Roses Monarchs or hundred years war monarchs.

The point is to explain how England went or an absolute monarch to a constitutional one. Any hints on that? :) I guess I could look at what each one did during his or her rule and see if anything helps to change the monarchy.

1 answer

Be sure to check out the references and external links at the bottom of this webpage, as well as the links throughout the page.




"An example of a system that changed from an absolute to constitutional monarchy is England, with the signing of the Magna Carta, which Britannia.com describes as, “The Great Charter of English liberty granted (under considerable duress) by King John at Runnymede on June 15, 1215.” It is basically a document wherein the King, rather reluctantly, agreed to rule within a set of guidelines decided on by the English Barons who wrote it. It was a result of perceptions of the king as abusive and a failure at both domestic and international policymaking. It was also a result of conflicts between the Catholic Church and the Church of England, which disagreed about the role of the king. The abovementioned Barons took London by force (actually, the people opened the gates for them) and forced the king to sign the document. It had to be resigned because John died a year later, and nine-year-old Henry III took the throne. Henry reissued it himself again when he turned 18."
from http://ywp.nanowrimo.org/node/415465