who started twitter
3 answers
help me please
With about 15 seconds of research I found:
wikipedia says:
Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July.
crunchbase says:
Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 (launched publicly in July 2006)
businessinsider mentions the three named above, and also says:
According to interviews with about a dozen early investors and employees, the story of how Twitter was actually founded begins with an entrepreneur named Noah Glass, who started Odeo in his apartment.
So, I guess you will have to decide which story is most complete. Oh, and try doing a little research yourself next time.
wikipedia says:
Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July.
crunchbase says:
Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in March 2006 (launched publicly in July 2006)
businessinsider mentions the three named above, and also says:
According to interviews with about a dozen early investors and employees, the story of how Twitter was actually founded begins with an entrepreneur named Noah Glass, who started Odeo in his apartment.
So, I guess you will have to decide which story is most complete. Oh, and try doing a little research yourself next time.