Who had many permanent settlements, was it French Spanish, or both French and Spanish, and also who tended to be native Americans as lesser than Europeans and who attempted to convert Native Americans to Catholicism would that be French French and Spanish or Spanish?

1 answer

Both the French and the Spanish had many permanent settlements in North America, but their approaches and presence varied.

  1. Permanent Settlements:

    • The Spanish established numerous permanent settlements in areas that are now the southwestern United States, Florida, and parts of Central and South America. Their settlements often included missions, presidios, and towns.
    • The French primarily established settlements in Canada (New France) and along the Mississippi River, with places like Quebec and New Orleans being key locations. Their settlements often revolved around trade, particularly in fur.
  2. View of Native Americans:

    • Both the French and Spaniards often viewed Native Americans as inferior to Europeans, but the degree varied. The Spanish generally had a more oppressive approach, particularly during the early colonial period, viewing them as subjects to be converted and civilized.
    • The French, on the other hand, often engaged in trade relationships with Native Americans and were generally more respectful of their cultures, though they still held European superiority beliefs.
  3. Conversion to Catholicism:

    • The Spanish were particularly focused on converting Native Americans to Catholicism as part of their colonial mission. They established missions where priests worked to convert indigenous peoples and integrate them into Spanish colonial society.
    • The French also sought to convert Native Americans to Catholicism, particularly through Jesuit missions, but their approach was somewhat less driven by the same level of coercion seen in Spanish actions.

In summary, both the French and Spanish had permanent settlements, but the Spanish were more aggressive in their conversion efforts and viewed Native Americans as lesser, while the French had a more trade-oriented relationship and were somewhat more respectful, but still sought conversion.