WHO, 2019 APA referencing style

1 answer

In APA style, references to the World Health Organization (WHO) and other documents should be formatted according to specific guidelines. Below is a general format for how to cite a WHO report in APA style, along with an example.

General Format:

Author. (Year). Title of the document (Report No. if applicable). Publisher. URL


World Health Organization. (2019). World health statistics 2019: Monitoring health for the SDGs (No. WHO/CDS/2019.2). WHO. https://www.who.int/databases/global_health_observatory/gho_report_archive/who2019/WHO_sth2019_report.pdf


  1. Author: The author is usually the organization name (e.g., World Health Organization).
  2. Year: The publication year of the document.
  3. Title: The title is italicized, and only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.
  4. Publisher: In the case of WHO, the publisher is also WHO.
  5. URL: Include the direct URL where the document can be accessed.

If you have a specific WHO document in mind, you can adjust the format accordingly by filling in that particular information (title, report number, etc.).