While there may be opposition from students and parents, dress codes should be enforced in schools as they encourage discipline among students.

This is my thesis statement for an essay :dress codes in schools".
how can I support it with compelling arguments and counterarguments? Any pointers please? thanks

3 answers

Here are a couple of websites that I consider the best ones for ideas for writing persuasive/argumentative papers:
(Click on Argumentative across the top.)
(Use the list at the left as the table of contents.)

In addition, here are some organization-of-information ideas I used with classes of students:


Formal argument terminology:

Exordium ¡V draw reader into your position; build common ground; establish tone and style; establish ¡§credentials;¡¨ clarify why this topic and your position are important; build ethos

Narratio ¡V tell the story behind the argument; give necessary background information; clarify the issue; define the issue in terms favorable to your stance

Propositio ¡V state your central position carefully and clearly; perhaps set the stage for important sub-points

Refutatio ¡V stating the opposition¡¦s viewpoint(s) and explaining why they are wrong

Confirmatio ¡V develop and support your own position/stance; use traditional thesis/ support format (including examples, facts, statistics to support your claim); avoid logical fallacies; argue from authority, definition, analogy, cause/effect, value, purpose; use logos; rank supporting points

Digressio ¡V optional; touching or entertaining anecdote; brief; build pathos or ethos

Peroratio ¡V conclusion; review of main points in your favor; reference to position statement in intro; plea for action; end strongly, with conviction

Other possible patterns of organization:

First possibility
„X Intro
„X Refute strongest opposition point
„X State own case
„X Confirm own position
„X Refute weaker opposition point
„X Concl

Second possibility
„X Intro
„X Own proposition as open-ended question
„X State case
„X Examine and refute opposition
„X Examine and confirm own position
„X Concl

Third possibility
„X Intro
„X Offer rival proposition
„X Offer own position
„X Confirm own position
„X Refute opposition
„X Concl
First possibilty
*Refute strongest opposition point
*State own case
*Confirm own position
*Refute weaker opposition point

Second possibilty
*Own proposition as open-ended question
*State case
*Examine and refute opposition
*Examine and confirm own position

Third possibility
*Offer rival proposition
*Offer own position
*Confirm own position
*Refute opposition
You have given me so much clarity on how to write this paper, thank you.