While the United States referred to the conflict with Mexico as the Mexican War, Mexicans called the war the North American Invasion.

What do these different names suggest about each country's perspective on the war?

i'm so stuck on this quesiton, please help me

4 answers

And I'm so sorry that you're not in a regular school with living, breathing teachers to explain these concepts.

Think about why the U.S. went to war against Mexico.

Why do you think Mexico called it an invasion?
the mexican gov'ment had taken the first step toward war. even if the u.s. could persuade Mexico to accept the annexation, a dispute about the southern boundary of Texas remained an explosive issue.

presidnet polk viewed the mexican war as an opportunity for the u.s. to expand its boundaries across the cntinent

i still don't understand each countries persepective on the war

can you please help me
Pulling two sentences out of context isn't going to help you understand this war.

Please read the whole section. Then post why YOU think the U.S. went to war.
thanks a lot