While swinging on the wrecking ball, a student notices that, at first, the wrecking

ball is in line with her birdbath when it is at a peak in its trajectory, and in line with her front door at the lowest point in the trajectory. However, since drag is acting against the wrecking ball’s motion, 3.00 minutes later the peak of the wrecking ball’s trajectory is in line with her garden gnome, the halfway point between her birdbath and front door. How much longer will it take for the peak of the ball’s trajectory to be halfway between her garden gnome and her front door? From the time she begins to watch the wrecking ball, how long will it take for the trajectory peak to be in line with the edge of her welcome mat, which is one tenth of the distance from her front door to the bird bath?

1 answer

I was able to figure out mass of ball = to 720kg and velocity of ball and her is 1.90m/s