While standing on an open bed of a truck moving at 35 m/s, and archer sees a duck flying directly overhead. The archer shoots an arrow at the duck and misses. The arrow leaves the bow with a vertical velocity of 98 m/s.

a) how long does it remain in the air
b) the truck maintains a constant speed of 35 m/s and does not change it's direction. Where does the arrow finally land?
c) what horizontal distance does the arrow travel while its in the air?

5 answers

Well first of all, the arrow hits the archer on the way down. Both the truck and the archer have a constant horizontal velocity component of 35 m/s. Your late archer deserved it no doubt

now the vertical problem.
Vi = 98
v = Vi - 9.8 t
0 at top
98 = 9.8 t
t = 10 seconds to top (good archer, strong bow)
a) 20 seconds up and down

b) did that, archer dead in truck bed. always turn after dropping a bomb out of your airplane by the way.

c) 20 seconds at 35 m/s = 700 meters
you are, of course, assuming that there was no horizontal component to the arrow's velocity.

In Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" there is a character who is a professional observer. If you point to a house on a hill and ask what color it is, he'll reply, "This side is white," making no assumptions about the other sides.

However, given the usual sloppy problems posted here, I agree with your analysis (ignoring air resistance).
This dead archer was a dead shot and the duck was directly overhead :) By the way it was an expert seagull pulling out of a bombing run anyway and the archer was simply retaliating.
When standing on an open truck at a velacity of 35m/s a man sees a duck flying directly overhead the man shorts an arrow at the duck and misses it the arrow leaves the bow with the vertical velocity of 98m/s the truck accelerates to a constant speed of 40m/s in the same direction just after the man has not at the duck if the truck open board at which the man is standing is 2m above the ground . i;how long will the arrow remain in the air before hitting the ground ? ii;where will the arrow land in relation to the position of the truck?