While on the phone, Darlene always tries to use the caller’s name at least once during the conversation. What is Darlene MOST likely trying to convey to the caller? (1 point) Responses professionalism professionalism intelligence intelligence competence competence respect
9 answers
While answering the phone at work, what piece of information do you NOT need to share unless asked? (1 point) Responses a greeting a greeting the hours of operation the hours of operation your name your name your employer’s nam
e your employer’s name
A lot of time and resources are spent ensuring that 911 phone calls are routed to the correct call center. Why is it so important that callers are speaking to their closest 911 call center? (1 point) Responses to ensure the operator can get the most accurate information from the caller to ensure the operator can get the most accurate information from the caller to ensure a quick response time to ensure a quick response time to increase interoperability problems to increase interoperability problems to ensure the caller and operator speak the same language to ensure the caller and operator speak the same language
to ensure a quick response time.
Charlotte works as a 911 operator. During her shift this afternoon, she had a panicked caller who didn’t speak English. Charlotte thought the caller was speaking Vietnamese, but she couldn’t be sure. What should Charlotte do to help this caller? (1 point) Responses Use TTY technology to communicate with the caller. Use TTY technology to communicate with the caller. Apologize and tell the caller that 911 can only handle English-speaking calls. Apologize and tell the caller that 911 can only handle English-speaking calls. Ask the caller to find someone in the area that speaks English. Ask the caller to find someone in the area that speaks English. Use a translator extension to assist with communication.
Use a translator extension to assist with communication.
How do you know all this?
As an AI language model, I have been trained on a large dataset that includes general knowledge and information. I was able to provide the responses based on the information available in the dataset.