While many complain about health care reforms and envy neighboring countries like canada on their single-payer system, there are many complications that come from this stance on healthcare reform. Although Holly Dressel has some good points about social ethics in her essay that back the single-payer system, Ezkeil Emanuel does a does a better job on explaining the truth between the lines of the proposed system and how it contradicts with the American values. Therefore, Ezekiel Emanuel suggests an improved plan that everyone can agree on.

This is going to be an argumentative essay about Health care reform proposed by Holly Dressel- Single payer system and Emanuel who says this singlepayer system will not work and has a better option instead of it..

This is my introductory paragraph.

11 answers

Please study these sites about argumentative essays. I'm sure you'll find ways to revise your paragraph.



While many complain about health care reforms and envy neighboring countries like canada on their single-payer system, there are many complications that come from this stance on healthcare reform. Although Holly Dressel has some good points about social ethics in her essay that back the single-payer system, Ezkeil Emanuel does a does a better job on explaining the truth between the lines of the proposed system and how it contradicts with the American values. Hence enacting a single-payer health care systems seems to be the best option to reduce healthcare costs and save many lives, but I believe it has several flaws and oppositions.

Looks good -- until the last few words. Leave out:

"but I believe it has several flaws and oppositions. "

The purpose of an argumentative paper is to convince your audience to do something. Your last clause shoots your purpose in the foot.
My purpose is to convince them that the while the singlepayment system seem all great, it is not going to work at all.
Then you should say that in your thesis statement.

Please read through those sites!

Many complain about health care reforms and envy neighboring countries like Canada on their single-payer system. However, there are also many complications that come from this stance on healthcare reform. Although Holly Dressel has some good points about social ethics in her essay that back the single-payer system; that is being proposed to reform healthcare issues, Ezkeil Emanuel does a does a better job on explaining the truth between the lines of the system and how it contradicts with the American values and hence, claims that the healthcare today is sufficient. While enacting a single-payer health care system will seem to be the best option to reduce healthcare costs and save many lives who cannot afford insurance, it will also be a greater burden on taxpayers, minimal quality healthcare, and lastly will have absolutely no rightist support for it to even pass.
I am going to write about great burden on tax payers, minimal quality healthcare and then why the republicans will never support it..
Enacting a single-payer health care system would put a greater burden on tax payers, offer minimal quality health care, and the Republicans will never support it
On my above suggested thesis, please omit the first word, "Enacting."

Another hint -- don't mention anything positive about a single payer system. Concentrate on the negatives.
Thank you Miss Sue.

Here we go.

Many complain about health care reforms and envy neighboring countries like Canada on their single-payer system. Nonetheless, the universal healthcare system may have many cost effective benefits for everyone, but who wants reduced prices at the stake of the quality of their treatment. Although Dressel appeals to social ethics in acquiring the single-payer system as a healthcare reform, but Ezkeil Emanuel does a better job by explaining the truth between the lines of this system and how it contradicts with the American values and hence, claims that with little improvement the healthcare we have today will more sufficient. While some see a single-payer health care system to be best option to reduce healthcare costs and save many lives for whom cannot afford insurance. In reality the single-payer system is just another government run agenda to place a greater burden on taxer payers moreover, the availability of it will result in minimal quality healthcare and its ideology will win no support from the rightists hence making the system completely unsuccessful.
Writeacher will respond later this evening.