One of the roles of farmers in ancient Egypt was to work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects. During the inundation season when the Nile flooded, farmers could not cultivate their land, so they contributed their labor to various state projects, such as constructing temples, pyramids, and other monumental structures.
Which was one of the roles of farmers in ancient Egypt?
help the pharaoh govern Egypt
keep records for the bureaucracy
work as laborers on the pharaoh's building projects
instruct the slaves in religion
7 answers
1. a good life
lots of money
a large family
victories in battle
2. ashes
wax figures
Egyptians believed that a good life led to an afterlife where the soul would need a home. Because of this, wealthy Egyptians preserved their bodies as mummies.
the damming of the Nile River.
pollution created by farmers.
the desert surrounding the Nile.
yearly flooding of the Nile.
Egypt’s Black Land was caused by the yearly flooding of the Nile. The floods deposited nutrient-rich silt along the banks of the river, which made the land dark and fertile, ideal for agriculture.
Thutmose II
Thutmose III
Ramses II
The Egyptian pharaoh who built the most monuments was Ramses II. He is often referred to as Ramses the Great and is known for his extensive building projects, including temples, monuments, and statues, as well as his military achievements.