- "He made a reputation for himself as a fierce warrior and attracted many followers."
- "His efforts earned him the name Chinggis Khan, or 'Universal Ruler."
Which two details from the text show how Genghis Khan rose to power?
"He made a reputation for himself as a fierce warrior and attracted many followers."
"His efforts earned him the name Chinggis Khan, or 'Universal Ruler."
"There were many different tribes that had no political relationships or alliances with each other."
"It was common for him to execute the leaders of his enemies so he could take control of the clan."
3 answers
Apologies for the mistake. Here are the correct details:
- "He made a reputation for himself as a fierce warrior and attracted many followers."
- "It was common for him to execute the leaders of his enemies so he could take control of the clan."
- "He made a reputation for himself as a fierce warrior and attracted many followers."
- "It was common for him to execute the leaders of his enemies so he could take control of the clan."