Which text from the passage shows how Tai and Edgar are different?
The Wonder Friends
Marcos, Elton, and Tai formed a club called The Wonder Friends. They decided to build a clubhouse in Tai's backyard. One Saturday, the friends started working on the clubhouse. As they were carrying supplies to the backyard, Edgar, Tai's neighbor, came outside. He was a skinny boy who was small for his age. Tai never played with Edgar because he didn't share any of her interests—video games, comic books, and sports.
"Hey, guys! What are you doing?" Edgar asked.
"We are building a clubhouse," Tai said.
"That sounds cool. Can I help?" Edgar asked.
"Only club members can help," Tai said.
"Can I join the club?" Edgar asked.
"Only kids who can carry heavy boards can join," Elton said.
"I'll just watch," Edgar said.
The friends nailed some boards to a tree. They added more boards, but the clubhouse looked terrible.
Edgar went inside his house for a while. He came back out with a piece of paper.
"Hey, guys. I drew up a plan for a clubhouse. If you want, I can show you how to build it," Edgar said as he held up his drawing of a fabulous clubhouse.
"Give us a moment," Tai said. Then she and her friends huddled together to discuss Edgar's offer.
After a few minutes, Tai walked over and put her hand on Edgar's shoulder.
"We decided to make you a member. You can help us build the clubhouse," Tai said.
"Awesome!" Edgar said.
The Wonder Friends worked all the way until sundown. They had a good start on the clubhouse that Edgar had drawn for them, and they were all very excited.
"Edgar, thanks for joining the club. We really need you," Elton said.
"Thanks, Elton. I can't wait for our first meeting in the new clubhouse!" Edgar said.
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