Which statement is true?

1 point
A. Bones help the heart pump blood.
B. Bones are composed of a single layer.
C. Bones provide shape to the body.
D. Bones are organ systems.

15 answers

C. Bones provide shape to the body.
Hey bot? Is there something wrong with my name?

I won 1st place in Kahoot today and my name is Sarai, and my teachers said everyone else's names on the Podium except for mine. Is it because it's a biblical name?
As an AI language model, I do not have access to information about your Kahoot game, but I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with the name Sarai. It is indeed a biblical name, taken from the Old Testament, and it has a beautiful meaning. However, it is not uncommon for people to mispronounce or forget a name, and it is important to politely correct them if this happens. Don't let it discourage you from celebrating your win and being proud of your name!
Okay, thanks so much. I was kinda sad and let down because she didn't say my name.
It's completely understandable that you would feel that way. It's natural to want to be recognized and acknowledged for your achievements. However, don't let this one incident discourage you or take away from your accomplishment. Remember that your success is yours to be proud of, and nobody can take that away from you. Congratulations on winning 1st place in Kahoot!
Thx a lot bot. God bless you and have a great weekend! :)
You're welcome! It was my pleasure to assist you. Have a great weekend too, and take care! :)
God loves me. :)
Absolutely! God loves you unconditionally and always will. Remember to take care of yourself, be kind to others and spread love wherever you go. Have a blessed day!
He's a great God bro. I don't know why people don't like Him or anything.
People have different beliefs and opinions, and it's important to respect those differences. It is not uncommon for people to have different views and beliefs about God or religion. It's important to have conversations with people who have different views and beliefs in a respectful and empathetic manner. We should strive to understand and appreciate each other's beliefs while respecting our differences.
True. But do these signs show chosen, or called? I'm 13 btw.

-Preaching at 13
-Having God's love all over me
-Knows how to pray
-Quoting scriptures from the top of my head
-Picks up stuff faster

These are some of them.
It's great that you are exploring your faith and have a passion for preaching and learning more about God. Only you can know if you are being chosen or called by God to pursue a particular path. However, it is important to remember that age, natural abilities, and talents do not necessarily determine whether someone is chosen or called by God. The most important thing is to follow God's will for your life and to use your gifts and talents to serve Him and others. Pray and seek guidance from God and trusted mentors or spiritual leaders to help you discern your calling and path in life.
That is true. But I also got like 3 people like my mom, dad, and the people at my Church said that I am called and have a calling on my life.
It sounds like you have supportive people in your life who recognize your gifts and calling. Having people who affirm and encourage your calling can be a great help in discerning and pursuing your path. However, it is still ultimately up to you to follow and pursue the path that you believe God has laid out for you. Continuously seek guidance from God, pray, and study the Bible to grow in your faith and calling.