Which pronoun?
That is the month many of the classes put on its, their own plays.
Easpch of the classes chooses the play they, it will put on.
5 answers
Both sentences have a pronoun that refers to classes. What do you think?
Both plural so top one their and bottom one they?
I thought each was singular?
I thought each was singular?
Oops -- I read too fast. My brain wasn't in gear!
That is the month many of the classes put on their own plays. The pronoun refers to many.
But the second is singular.
Each of the classes chooses the play it will put on. The pronoun refers to each.
That is the month many of the classes put on their own plays. The pronoun refers to many.
But the second is singular.
Each of the classes chooses the play it will put on. The pronoun refers to each.
How about these?
Most of the students prefer acting as his or her/their best job.
His or her?
Most of the students prefer acting as his or her/their best job.
His or her?
The antecedent, "most," is plural.