which party believed in "rule by the people"? plz help
7 answers
What period in US History are you talking about? Who are the "people"?
In the early years when the Federalist and Democratic parties first coalesced, the nod would have to go to Jefferson's Democratic party. However remember that women and slaves were not part of that "people". Each slave counted for 3/5 of a voter in allocating congressional districts, but the slave could not vote anyway, not even 3/5 of a vote. (Jefferson himself owned slaves)
In any case we have never had "rule by the people". That was not the idea. We are a republic with representative democracy. We are a Union of States, not of individuals or even of cities. That is why we are called the "United States" and we do not vote democratically as in ancient Athens but we vote for representatives who debate and decide issues for us. Even for president we vote for members of an electoral college whose members represent states and vote for the winner in each state.
In the early years when the Federalist and Democratic parties first coalesced, the nod would have to go to Jefferson's Democratic party. However remember that women and slaves were not part of that "people". Each slave counted for 3/5 of a voter in allocating congressional districts, but the slave could not vote anyway, not even 3/5 of a vote. (Jefferson himself owned slaves)
In any case we have never had "rule by the people". That was not the idea. We are a republic with representative democracy. We are a Union of States, not of individuals or even of cities. That is why we are called the "United States" and we do not vote democratically as in ancient Athens but we vote for representatives who debate and decide issues for us. Even for president we vote for members of an electoral college whose members represent states and vote for the winner in each state.
i am talking about when they were deciding between the federalist or republican party
Ok, figured that and that is what I addressed (Republican then is Democratic now, Federalist then is closer to Republican now, sort of)
i get it thank u damon. for some reason you remind me of matt damon if u no him
hes an actor
thanks 4 the help :)
hes an actor
thanks 4 the help :)
also tanku ms.sue for the help..... sorry i forgot about your help!! :( sorry & thank u :D
i have 2 names so i use both i was named after andrew jackson