Which option is an example of paraphrasing done correctly?
A The Civil War tour part the nation as states fought one another from 1861 to 1865. When The war ended 750000. Americans had died in 4 million people had been freed from slavery despite the cost of war kept the states together as a country and redefined the nation national Park service 2018
B According to the United States Gila, go survey 1/3 of the planet amphibian species are threatened with extinction USGS 2016
C Library of Congress, Civil War Library of Congress Website Access March 26, 2020 space
D 1926. Goddard had constructed and successfully tested the first rocket using liquid fuel, indeed the flight of Goddard rocket on March 16, 1926 at Auburn Wachusetts was as significant as that of the right brothers of Kitty Hawk.
1 answer
D In 1926, Robert Goddard successfully tested the first rocket using liquid fuel. The flight of Goddard's rocket on March 16, 1926 in Auburn, Massachusetts was a significant achievement comparable to the Wright Brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk.