Which ones are the positive effects that organized religion has had on social groups in the past as well as in the more recently.
Which ones are the negative effects that organized religion has had on social groups in the past as well as in the more recently.
You said the following:
religion has caused countless wars in world history. This includes: The Crusades, The 30 years War, The French Wars of Religion, and MANY more. It was also the back bone of renaissance art and culture. Many kings of Europe used God to their advantage by stating they had divine power and were not be questioned, as well. This in turn created new types of government (Absolute Monarchy) and wars with the church and people. (The Reformation).
The negative effects would definitely be the endless wars that resulted. It caused death and economic declines in many countries.
The positive could include: the arts created during the Renaissance, a general spirituality of the people, and hope/salvation for the less fortunate.
Years ago religion caused a lot of difficulties, no doubt. But I feel religion has become less of a factor in todays world. So, in the large scheme of things I would say the negatives out weigh the positives. However, that's really all a matter of opinion.
Oh , I honestly though that religion is still a factor with the wars between the muslims and iraquis not approving of each other or am i wrong.
yes, you're right. Religious problems are still around today, but America, for example, has a separation of church and state. So it's becoming less of a factor in todays world. It's almost as if people are learning from their past centuries that religious debate almost always ends up in war.