Which of these statements are true...
I think (1)and (5) are correct
1)A reversing vehicle must have negative velocity
2) A stationary object must have zero position
3)Two vehicles trvelling at the same speed at the same instant of time on the same road must have the same velocity.
4) If a vehicle has zero acceleration it must be stationary
5) Velocity is the rate of change of position
6)An object slowing down must have negative velocity
7)The graph of position against time for a vehicle with constant velocity is a straight line
I appreciate your help :- Thanks
2 answers
Well, seven is certainly true. Five is true. But 1) does not make sense. If it reverses, the final velocity is in the opposite direction as the initial velocity. So on the term "negative velocity", you can decide what it means. The initial velocity can be a postive or negative quantity, and the final velocity will be opposite to the intial. The wording is silly on that choice.