To find which division results in a remainder that is different from the others, we need to calculate the remainder for each division. The remainder can be found using the formula:
\[ \text{Remainder} = \text{Dividend} - (\text{Divisor} \times \text{Quotient}) \]
where the quotient is obtained by integer division (floor division).
19,372 divided by 23:
- Quotient = 19,372 // 23 = 841
- Remainder = 19,372 - (23 * 841) = 19,372 - 19,363 = 9
21,062 divided by 22:
- Quotient = 21,062 // 22 = 957
- Remainder = 21,062 - (22 * 957) = 21,062 - 21,054 = 8
24,089 divided by 23:
- Quotient = 24,089 // 23 = 1043
- Remainder = 24,089 - (23 * 1043) = 24,089 - 24,049 = 40
13,798 divided by 14:
- Quotient = 13,798 // 14 = 985
- Remainder = 13,798 - (14 * 985) = 13,798 - 13,790 = 8
Now we have the remainders:
- 19,372 divided by 23 โ 9
- 21,062 divided by 22 โ 8
- 24,089 divided by 23 โ 40
- 13,798 divided by 14 โ 8
From this, the division that results in a remainder different from the rest is: 24,089 divided by 23, which has a remainder of 40.