To determine which citation is correct, it's important to follow a standard citation format, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago Style. Based on common formatting conventions, here’s how each of the citations listed would typically be evaluated:
A. "Brooks, Sam. 'Chimps and Champs.' 14 Jan. 2010. Print." - This citation is missing the title of the publication it appears in.
B. "Oscar, and Amanda L. Thompson. American Books, 2007. Print." - The authors' names should be in the format "Oscar, Amanda L., and Sam Thompson" assuming "Thompson" is a co-author. Additionally, a title for the book is needed.
C. "Evans, Clyburn, Norma. 'Saving our Rain Forests from Destruction.' 10 Dec. 2009. Online." - Similar to A, this citation is missing the title of the publication.
D. "Bowman, Bryan. 'Officials: Expect New Conservation Efforts.' Evening News. Print." - This citation correctly includes the title of the article and the name of the publication, but the medium (Print) should typically come at the end of the citation.
E. "Lantz, Max R. The Habitat of the Chimpanzee. Publishing USA, 2005. Print." - This citation is mostly correct; however, "Publishing USA" is a vague placeholder in many citation formats, and typically a publisher's name is full. The publisher's name should be specific and the format should be “Publisher, Year.”.
Considering these details, Citation D is the most complete in terms of including both the article title and publication name, despite needing a few minor adjustments related to formatting.