which of the folowing correctly orders events during mitosis?

the nuclear membrane disssolves. micritubules organize the chromosomes. the mitotic spindle attatches to chromosomes.
micritubules organize the chromosomes. the nuclear membrane disssolves. the mitotic spindle attatches to chromosomes.
the mitotic spindle attatches to chromosomes. micritubules organize the chromosomes. the nuclear membrane disssolves.
the nuclear membrane disssolves. the mitotic spindle attatches to chromosomes. micritubules organize the chromosomes.

1 answer

The correct order of events during mitosis is:

  1. The nuclear membrane dissolves (during prophase).
  2. Microtubules organize the chromosomes (spindle fibers form and start organizing the chromosomes).
  3. The mitotic spindle attaches to the chromosomes (the spindle fibers attach to the kinetochores of the chromosomes during prometaphase).

Therefore, the correct option is: The nuclear membrane dissolves. Microtubules organize the chromosomes. The mitotic spindle attaches to chromosomes.