Which of the following would the Five Pillars of Islam require followers to do?
- Making an annual trip to Mecca (The Hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.)
- Fasting during Ramadan (This is another of the Five Pillars.)
- Daily prayer (This is another of the Five Pillars.)
- Donating money to charity each year (This refers to Zakat, which is also a pillar.)
The correct answer about the Five Pillars would encompass all four options except "fasting on Wednesdays each week" as that is not a requirement.
What do Muslims believe happened to the prophet Muhammad in a cave outside Mecca in 610 CE?
- Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel and told to recite messages from Allah (God). (This is the event known as the first revelation.)
In summary, the Five Pillars of Islam include making an annual trip to Mecca (Hajj), fasting during Ramadan, daily prayer (Salah), and donating to charity (Zakat). The significant event in the cave is when Muhammad received his first revelation from Gabriel.