Which of the following was true of people moving to suburbs and purchasing automobiles? (1 point) Responses Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom. Women were allowed to drive and thereby gained more freedom. It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford. It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford. Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city. Women were left isolated all day as men took the cars to work in the city. Cities could not keep up with road construction in places outside the city.

11 answers

It was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford.
What is a factor that led to the rise of mass culture in the 1920s? (1 point) Responses installment buying installment buying greater mobility across the nation greater mobility across the nation the migration from the cities to the suburbs the migration from the cities to the suburbs the Harlem Renaissance and rise of jazz music
the Harlem Renaissance and rise of jazz music
Which of the following was an effect of nativism in the United States in the 1920s? (1 point) Responses the Great Migration the Great Migration the Scopes Trial the Scopes Trial the Jones Act of 1917 the Jones Act of 1917 the quota system
the quota system
Why did President Roosevelt begin the Good Neighbor Policy? (1 point) Responses He hoped to discourage Japanese expansionism in Latin America. He hoped to discourage Japanese expansionism in Latin America. He believed it would end the Depression. He believed it would end the Depression. He knew it would be highly popular in the United States. He knew it would be highly popular in the United States. He wanted to strengthen relations with Latin America in a time of international danger.
He wanted to strengthen relations with Latin America in a time of international danger.
“This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." —President Franklin Roosevelt, 1933 Question Use the passage to answer the question. Which of the following best reflects President Roosevelt’s attitude as seen in the text? (1 point) Responses He knows the only way to reach prosperity is to wait for the economy to change on its own. He knows the only way to reach prosperity is to wait for the economy to change on its own. He insists that his leadership will bring the nation out of the Great Depression. He insists that his leadership will bring the nation out of the Great Depression. He wants to warn U.S. citizens against pessimism and giving up on the nation. He wants to warn U.S. citizens against pessimism and giving up on the nation. He believes the United States will easily overcome the problems it faces.
He wants to warn U.S. citizens against pessimism and giving up on the nation.
Of the following, which occurred after the stock market crash in 1929? (1 point) Responses the establishment of the Truth in Securities Act the establishment of the Truth in Securities Act stocks being bought on the margin stocks being bought on the margin use of credit to make purchases use of credit to make purchases the wealth in the country owned by a small percentage of people
the establishment of the Truth in Securities Act