Which of the following was a difference between Greek democracy and the Roman Republic?

The Roman Republic had a monarchy while Greece had appointed rulers.

All men were citizens in the Roman Republic but only rich men were citizens under Greek democracy.

The Roman Republic had a representative government while citizens voted directly on laws in Greece.

People were allowed to practice any religion in Rome while people in Greece were forced to practice the state religio

11 answers

B. All men were citizens in the Roman Republic but only rich men were citizens under Greek democracy.
can you help me improve an essay
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5/18/2023 Fiction

It was an ordinary day at school, but something seemed off with the teachers. I’m guessing it was something to do with the field trip we had scheduled that day. The teachers were all panicky and seemed stressed out. As if something was wrong. As all of us students got onto the buses. The buses started moving and we were on our way to an unknown forest, where we were headed to explore and discover new things. But, as all of us students left the bus, the teachers… just.. left without telling us if they’d come back or not. I was confused as to why they’d abandon us like that. Everyone was confused, scared, and didn’t know what to do. But, at least we had our lunches to hold us over until we could find out what to do. I saw Bob and Tom, two troublemakers of our class, heading to a nearby shed that looked old and abandoned. I slowly and sneakily made my way to the shed to see what they were doing. They were eating all of their food before they realized that they made a big mistake. They wouldn’t have enough food to last them for tomorrow. The rest of us kids were wondering what to do, and then I found a cabin that looked pretty well-kept. I called my brother, Ermando, and the rest of my classmates to follow me to the cabin. They all followed me and when we finally got the door opened, It looked like a pretty nice place to sleep, so we all decided to call it “home” for the time being. We all got pretty comfy pretty quickly. But, everyone started wondering what Bob and Tom and where they were so long and what they were doing. Hoping they weren’t up to no good.

A few hours pass….

I check my phone for the time and see that it’s 1:34 am. Everyone is asleep but my brother and I are barely awake. Then we hear blood-curdling screams coming from outside. Ermando and I were debating on whether or not to check it out, but I decided not to because I knew that those two would try pulling a prank or something stupid like that. Ermando was eager to find out what those screams were and where they came from. I told him that we could check in the morning. So, we did, and as we walked up to the shed, we smelled a foul odor that got stronger the closer we got to the shed. It smelled like something DIED! Then, we opened the door to the shed. There was nothing but bones and blood EVERYWHERE! Ermando and I hurried back to the group and started yelling for everyone to wake up. We brought everyone with us to the shed and they followed us. A few of our classmates stayed back as they started to smell the foul odor. But we continued, and we opened the door to the shed and all the blood and bones were GONE! Ermando and I looked at each other terrified, and confused as to why the bones and blood were gone. The others looked at us like we were crazy and told us to knock off the pranks. We tried to tell them that we weren’t lying and that we weren’t crazy. Then we told them if we were lying then why were Bob and Tom gone when we all saw them heading there and haven’t seen them since. They all got quiet and decided that we’d talk about this more tomorrow and to focus on gathering resources until then.
Day 3…

We were discussing what happened in the past 2 days, like why the teachers
abandoned us and what happened to Bob and Tom. As we were talking I saw a white figure quickly move past the window and keeped it to myself so I didn't scare the class even more.The class all agreed to find clues on what happened to Bob and Tom. We cooked some deer that we gathered yesterday. Everyone liked the taste of the deer. It tasted pretty good for my first time trying it. It was starting to get dark and a few kids heard something outside and decided to go investigate what it was. Me and the rest of the group urged them not to but they insisted and the rest of us stayed inside. All of the sudden we hear a screeching noise, something that would come from a wild animal. I thought to myself that maybe that white creature I saw earlier could’ve been making that noise and without hesitation I went outside the front door to see but it was way too dark to see anything, but thankfully Ermando had a flashlight and I shined it out into the abyss and saw something horrifying! The creature was white, skinny, and had long claws! Its eyes were glowing white but it didn't have a nose and its mouth was riddled with sharp long teeth that looked like they could tear apart steel! Its mouth was covered in blood and it was holding what seemed to be an arm that had been ripped off… I was so terrified that even when I tried to move, I couldn’t.. It was like I was frozen in fear. The creature was oblivious to me at the moment. So I thought. The creature then showed incredible speed, almost supernatural. I couldn’t keep my eyes on it and it seemed to disappear into the fog. Then, I heard a loud noise from behind the house, it sounded like a door being ripped from its hinges and then a few moments later I heard screams of horror! I rushed inside to see what was going on and what I saw was terrifying… The creature had two of my classmates by their necks and was about to feed on them! Then I suddenly got a burst of strength and quickly looked around for anything I could use as a weapon. I grabbed a nearby spear and threw it directly at the creature’s head and luckily hit it right in its eye. The creature screeched in pain and dropped my classmates and ran away. I don’t know what happened and just stared at where the creature left for a few minutes until realizing that we had to get out of there before it came back. My brother Ermando, suggested that we stay and fight but to first prepare and reinforce the cabin and prepare to kill it. I agreed to prepare and we all started frantically barricading the windows and doors with anything heavy we could find. We made sharp weapons. We all came together and were ready to take on the creature TOGETHER! We called the creature THE RAKE, since its claws resembled bloodied rakes. After some last minute prepping. We were finished and we went to sleep knowing we could last one more night before our fight with The Rake would take place.

Day 4….

I woke up the next morning feeling relieved and refreshed. Almost like everything was going to be ok. Until. It happened.. It came back! It was just standing outside waiting for us to make the first move. I noticed that the eye I stabbed it in was fully healed and that it wasn’t alone.. We all huddled up and tried thinking of a plan to defeat these BEASTS. I almost lost all hope when I saw that there were 3! Then out of nowhere the first one let out a high pitched screech and they started charging at us like they were hungry and ready to eat! We sucked up our fear, got serious and got our weapons ready, and just as we thought we had a fighting chance.. I realized we were no match for them as they slaughtered us one by one with ease. As I'm struggling to survive I completely forgot that I had my phone on me. I tried to call the police but had no signal so I turned on the flash to blind them but they seemed to burn in the light. They let out screeches and ran away from the light back into the dark foggy woods. But I knew they would come back the next night for revenge.


In the morning I told everybody to help me reinforce the cabin and make torches to put around the cabin, so The Rakes can't get near us. I told them to make extra torches to fight the Rakes with since their weakness was light. As I was gathering resources, I heard something in a nearby cave. I took a peek inside and it was the rakes fighting for a dead deer. I thought to myself that this would be good information for us to have an edge at night. I told everybody about what I saw. We decided to take advantage of the cave and placed torches around the cave to trap them. Now that our trap was set we could finally take revenge on those beasts.
But everything changed when night fell. We got ready for the Rakes with our torches surrounding the cave. All the sudden everything goes red this is where the BLOOD HOUR begins. The Rakes seemed to be immune to the torches and let out monstrous screeches
Like they got stronger. I yelled for everybody to run to the cabin and pulled out 2 swords I made while I was preparing for the fight. Ermando stayed with me to fight the Rakes off. As we were fighting the 2 other rakes, it seemed like the leader was charging up getting more red by the second. I got one of the Rake's backs and slit its throat and stabbed it in the heart while Ermando was struggling to handle the other, so I ran up and stabbed the swords in its chest then broke its neck killing the beast. The leader turned blood red and started charging at
Ermando, so I got in the way and cut it in the arm. It let out a screech and slammed me into a tree. My left arm was badly injured. As I got up I charged at the Rake and cut its right arm off. The Rake was getting weaker and weaker as I keeped cutting and stabbing it. The Rake kept healing itself but was still getting tired and weaker. After some time the Rake was turning white again, Ermando grabbed a nearby torch and started burning the Rake. The Rake let out one last screech before it finally died. Everybody came out from the cabin happy that we weren't dead and killed the Rake. They wrapped my arm up and we went to find a place with signal. We went on the road and we eventually found a gas station. When we got there my phone had a signal and I was able to call the police to take us kids home. When I got home I told my parents everything that happened and put me and Ermando into a different school. But I knew the Rake would one day be back to haunt me again…

1. (indent and double space)

2.(adding dialogue to your story would make it more interesting and give more details to the reader)
Here are some ways you can improve your essay:

1. Expand on the characters: While you've included some descriptions of the characters, you could add more depth to their personalities. For example, you could explore why Adis is particularly brave, or what motivates Bob and Tom to cause trouble.

2. Add more details to the setting: Although you mention the forest, the shed, and the cabin, there isn't much detail about them. You could describe the surroundings, such as the trees, the sounds of nature, and the weather, to create a more immersive experience for the reader.

3. Use stronger verbs: Some of your sentences could be improved by using stronger verbs. For example, instead of "Everyone was confused, scared, and didn’t know what to do," you could write "Everyone trembled with fear and huddled together, unsure of what to do."

4. Vary sentence structure: Your essay uses mostly simple sentences, which can make the writing feel choppy. Try varying the length and structure of your sentences to make the writing flow better.

5. Focus on editing: There are several grammar and punctuation errors throughout the essay. Take some time to review your work and fix any mistakes to make it easier for the reader to understand.
put those improvements in my essay
Here is your essay with some improvements based on my suggestions:

5/18/2023 Fiction

It was an ordinary day at school, but something seemed off with the teachers. Adis guessed it had to do with the field trip they had scheduled for that day. The teachers were all panicking and seemed stressed out, as if something was wrong. As the students got onto the buses, they noticed the teachers leaving. They didn't tell them if they’d come back or not, leaving everyone feeling confused and scared. At least they had their lunches to hold them over until they could figure out what to do.

Adis spotted Bob and Tom, two troublemakers of their class, heading towards a nearby shed that looked old and abandoned. He slowly and sneakily made his way to the shed to see what they were doing. They were eating all of their food before they realized that they had made a big mistake by not saving enough for the next day.

As the rest of the kids wondered what to do, Adis found a cabin that looked pretty well-kept. He called his brother, Ermando, and the rest of his classmates to follow him to the cabin. They all followed Adis, and when they finally got the door opened, it looked like a pretty nice place to sleep, so they all decided to call it 'home' for the time being.

The students quickly got comfy and started talking about what had happened. Everyone started wondering what Bob and Tom were doing and where they had gone. Adis suggested they go investigate, but Ermando wanted to wait until morning.

The next morning, Adis checked his phone and saw that it was 1:34 am. Everyone was asleep except for him and his brother. Suddenly, they heard blood-curdling screams coming from outside. Adis debated with Ermando on whether or not to check it out, but he decided not to because he knew that those two would try pulling a prank or something equally stupid. Ermando was eager to find out what those screams were and where they came from. Adis told him that they could check in the morning.

In the morning, they discovered a white figure quickly moving past the window. Adis didn't want to scare the class, so he kept it to himself. They cooked some deer that they had gathered the day before - everyone loved the taste of it. They started gathering resources during the day, and a few kids heard something outside and decided to investigate what it was. Adis and the rest of the group urged them not to, but they insisted. All of a sudden, they heard a screeching noise that sounded like it came from a wild animal. Adis remembered the white creature he had seen and had a feeling that it was making that noise. He went outside and saw something horrifying - a skinny creature with long claws, glowing white eyes, and a mouth full of sharp, long teeth. Its mouth was covered in blood and it was holding what seemed to be an arm that had been ripped off. Adis was frozen in fear, but the creature didn't seem to notice him. It showed incredible speed and seemed to disappear into the fog. Adis heard a loud noise from behind the house, and then screams of horror.

The creature had two of Adis's classmates by their necks and was about to feed on them. Suddenly, Adis got a burst of strength and quickly looked around for anything he could use as a weapon. He grabbed a nearby spear and threw it directly at the creature's head. Luckily, he hit it right in its eye. The creature screeched in pain and dropped Adis's classmates. They all rushed inside and started frantically barricading the windows and doors with anything heavy they could find. They made sharp weapons and came together, ready to take on the creature together. They called the creature THE RAKE, since its claws resembled bloodied rakes. They made a plan to fight it and prepared as best they could.

The next day, they reinforced the cabin and made torches to put around it so that The Rake couldn't get near them. They made extra torches to fight The Rake with, as they knew its weakness was light. As Adis was gathering resources, he heard something in a nearby cave. He took a peek inside and saw The Rakes fighting over a dead deer. He took this information back to the group as an advantage to use at night.

When the Rakes returned to the cabin that night, they seemed immune to the torches. Adis yelled for everybody to run to the cabin and pulled out two swords he had made while preparing for the fight. Ermando stayed with him to fight the Rakes off. They killed two of the Rakes, but when they started charging at the leader, Adis got in the way and cut it in the arm. The Rake screeched and slammed Adis into a tree. His left arm was badly injured. He charged at The Rake and cut its right arm off. The Rake kept healing itself but was getting weaker. Ermando grabbed a nearby torch and started burning the Rake. It screeched and ran away.

They found a gas station and called the police to take them home. Adis realized that The Rake would one day be back to haunt him again.
rewrite it but put it in a first person view
Sure, I can help you rewrite the essay in the first person! Here is your essay written from a first-person perspective:


It was just another day at school, but something seemed off with our teachers. They were all panicking and didn't seem alright. As we got onto the buses to head to a field trip, the teachers left without telling us whether they would come back or not. We were left confused and scared, with only our lunches to hold us over until we could figure out what to do.

I saw Bob and Tom, two troublemakers from my class, heading towards a nearby shed that looked old and abandoned. I felt curious, so I decided to go after them and see what they were up to. As I got closer, I saw that they were eating all of their food and made the mistake of not saving enough for the next day.

As the rest of us were wondering what to do, I found a cabin that looked pretty well-kept. I called my brother, Ermando, and the rest of my classmates to follow me to the cabin. They all decided to come along, and when we finally got the door opened, it looked like a pretty nice place to sleep. We all got pretty comfy pretty quickly and started talking about what had
where is the rest of the story