Which of the following tables accurately distinguishes the political, economic, and social factors that led to the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions?
A.Factors of the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions
Political Economic Social
American Lack of representation in Parliament Taxation of Third Estate Social contract theory
French Coercive Acts Debt from American Revolution Example of American Revolution
Haitian Social divisions Economic divisions based on class Example of French Revolution
B. Factors of the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions
Political Economic Social
American Intolerable Acts Debt from Seven Years’ War Democratic ideologies
French Declaration of the Rights of Man Famine Example of the French Revolution
Haitian Enslaved social classes Economic divisions based on class Example of the American Revolution
C. Factors of the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions
Political Economic Social
American Monarchy Taxation without representation Social contract theory
French Boston Tea Party Debt from American Revolution Bourgeoisie and Enlightenment ideas
Haitian Intolerable Acts Economic divisions based on class Example of French Revolution
D. Factors of the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions
Political Economic Social
American Coercive Acts Taxation without representation Social contract theory
French Unfairness of Estates-General Debt from American Revolution Bourgeoisie and Enlightenment ideas
Haitian Strict social divisions Economic divisions based on class Example of French Revolution
4 answers
Political Economic Social
American Intolerable Acts Debt from Seven Years’ War Democratic ideologies
French Declaration of the Rights of Man Famine Example of the French Revolution
Haitian Enslaved social classes Economic divisions based on class Example of the American Revolution
Date Government Independence Movement
1775–1783 American Fought Great Britain for independence
1789–1799 French Internal independence movement
1791–1804 Haitian Internal and external independence
Which of the following statements accurately compares the American, French, and Haitian governments following their independence movements?
A. The American Revolution’s violence against Great Britain appealed to French commoners.
B. Documents created by the American Revolution included rights that appealed to French commoners.
C. The American Revolution called for the end of slavery, something French commoners wanted.
D. The American Revolution’s aspirations included reconciliation with Great Britain.
A. Revolutions come with a combination of push-pull factors. Push factors of colonial revolutions in the Western Hemisphere include political freedom, economic opportunities, slavery, racism, and a loss of status. Pull factors include poverty, war, safety from political enemies, access to free and inexpensive land, and better living conditions.
B. Revolutions come with a combination of push-pull factors. Push factors of colonial revolutions in the Western Hemisphere include political freedom, economic opportunities, safety from political enemies, access to free and inexpensive land, and better living conditions. Pull factors include poverty, war, a search for greater security from a political enemy, slavery, racism, and a loss of status.
C. Revolutions only come with push factors because these wars cause great trouble for people living in the land at the time. Push factors of colonial revolutions in the Western Hemisphere include poverty, war, safety from political enemies, slavery, racism, a loss of status, expensive land, and poor living conditions.
D. Revolutions create a combination of push-pull factors. Push factors of colonial revolutions in the Western Hemisphere include poverty, war, slavery, racism, and a loss of status. Pull factors include political freedom, economic opportunities, safety from political enemies, access to free and inexpensive land, and better living conditions.