O2 @ 25 C and 1 atm is the only one.
Fe yes but at 25 C, not 1200.
C2H6 no since it's a compound.
Cl2 yes at 25 C and 1 atm but not at 2 atm.
Which of the following substances have a standard heat of formation (ÄHf°) of zero?
O2(g) at 25.0 degree C and 1 atm
Fe at 1200 degree C
C2H6(g) at standard conitions
Cl2(g) at 2 atm
3 answers
The right answer is O2
when an sample of air with a volume of 1.5 L at 1.25 atm and 25 degree celcius is cooled to -4 degree celcius the pressure reduces to 0.80 atm what is the new volume of the sample?