Which of the following statements is true of the Gulf of Tonkin affair?

A. Johnson told Congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to let him expand the war.
B. Congress was divided and only reluctantly passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
C. The destroyer Maddox was sunk by North Vietnamese gunboats.
D. Johnson ordered air strikes after the attack

I know the answer is not B. or C.

I don't think it is A. because my book says that Johnson told Congress he wanted to pass the resolution in order to defend the South Vietnamese army, not to escalate the war.

D. could be true, but it is a little confusing. He did order air attacks after the Resolution was passed, but he also ordered them on the day before he petitioned Congress.

Is D. the correct answer?

3 answers

Yes, I think D is the correct answer.

Thank you!
You're welcome.