You can have one p axis pointing in the x direction, one in the y direction, and one in the z direction. each of these contain two electrons, plus spin and minus spin so there can be a total of 6 p electrons at this level. I guess each two electron p would look like a dumbbell but I do not know what the ring about it means. I suppose it might indicate the level of the orbit.
All potassium atoms have the same number of protons. Therefore the atomic mass goes up with the number of neutrons 39, 40 , 41
Which of the following statements best describes p orbitals?
a dumbbell with a ring around it
a sphere around the nucleus
a four-leave clover
two lobes apposing each other
Examine the three isotopes of potassium (K) below.
potassium-41, potassium-39, potassium-40
Which of the answer choices lists these isotopes in the order of having the least amount of neutrons to having the most amount of neutrons?
potassium-41, potassium-40, potassium-39
potassium-39, potassium-41, potassium-40
potassium-41, potassium-39, potassium-40
potassium-39, potassium-40, potassium-41
4 answers
thank you
You are welcome.
In my opinion, none of the answer choices for the p orbitals is correct.