Both Alonso Álvarez de Piñeda and Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca contributed to the exploration of Texas by mapping and documenting their respective voyages along the Gulf Coast. Alonso Álvarez de Piñeda was the first known European to map and explore the Texas coastline in 1519. He provided detailed descriptions of the geography, rivers, and landmarks he encountered, which served as a vital resource for subsequent explorers.
On the other hand, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca's expedition, which took place from 1528 to 1536, resulted in the first recorded detailed accounts of the indigenous people and their cultures in Texas. Although it was not his original intention to explore Texas specifically, his journey brought him into contact with various Native American tribes, and he documented their customs, languages, and ways of life. His writings became an important source of information for future explorers and settlers in Texas.
Which of the following statements accurately explains a way that both Alonso Álvarez de Piñeda and Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca contributed to the exploration of Texas?
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