A- 4x2+9x+5=0 rewritten as 4x2+9x+814=−5+814
x^2 + 4.5 x = - 5/4 etc, nope
B- 3x2−6x−4=0 rewritten as x2−2x+1=4+1
x^2 -2 x = 4/3
x^2 - 2 x + 1 = 7/3 nope
C- 4x2+12x+7=0 rewritten as x2+3x+94=−74+94
x^2 + 3 x = -7/4
x^2 + 3 x + 9/4 = -7/4 + 9/4 I BET YOU HAVE A TYPO AND MEAN THIS
D- 2x2−8x−9=0 rewritten as 2x2−8x+16=9+16
x^2 - 4 x .... nope
Which of the following rewrites shows the correct process for completing the square?
A- 4x2+9x+5=0 rewritten as 4x2+9x+814=−5+814
B- 3x2−6x−4=0 rewritten as x2−2x+1=4+1
C- 4x2+12x+7=0 rewritten as x2+3x+94=−74+94
D- 2x2−8x−9=0 rewritten as 2x2−8x+16=9+16
1 answer