Which of the following options provides the best analysis of

how migration can change culture? (1 point)
Migration completely changes the culture of destination
Migration does not have a significant cultural impact, as
destination regions and source regions usually remain
Migration only affects the culture of source regions, as
people usually assimilate into the culture of their
destination region.
Migration can spread cultural ideas to destination regions,
but in recent eras it has had more of an effect on source

9 answers

Migration can spread cultural ideas to destination regions, but in recent eras it has had more of an effect on source regions.
Which terms best describes the process by which
culture in two regions becomes more similar due to
migration? (1 point)
cultural remittances
cultural diffusion
cultural convergence
cultural assimilation
cultural convergence
Which of the following options best analyzes the ways in which war can lead to the spread of
culture?(1 point)
War can impact culture in multiple places, by spreading
cultural traditions through conquest or the movement of
War leads to the destruction of cultures in places where it
occurs by disrupting cultural landscapes.
War changes culture in places that are conquered by
enemy armies who force cultural practices on conquered
War does not usually change culture in a noticeable way,
War can impact culture in multiple places, by spreading cultural traditions through conquest or the movement of soldiers.
War can lead to the destruction of objects or structures
associated with cultural practices. What is the term for
these objects and structures? (1 point)
gender roles
ethnic groups
cultural artifacts
cultural landscapes
cultural artifacts
Which option best analyzes how trade contributed to
cultural change in Southeast Asia in the Medieval era?
(1 point)
Trade led to the creation of merchant communities,
which caused the diffusion of religious practices
from Arabia to Southeast Asia.
Trade led to Arab merchants establishing
themselves in Southeast Asian communities and
largely assimilating to existing religions, while
spreading other cultural practices to the region.
Trade led to increasing connections between Arabia
and Southeast Asia, leading to acculturation.
Trade did not lead to significant cultural change in
Southeast Asia during this period.
Trade led to Arab merchants establishing themselves in Southeast Asian communities and largely assimilating to existing religions, while spreading other cultural practices to the region.