Which of the following is true about the atom shown Choose two that apply.
The picture shows one big red one in the middle with one blue ring on the outside that had 2 smaller red ones, and another blue ring outside of the first blue ring that had 8 smaller red ones.
A. It is unstable
B. It is stable
C. IT belongs to group 10
D. It belongs to group 18
Is the answer B and D?
Thank you
11 answers
I can't tell from the description what you have.
Well it has one big red atom in the middle with a blue ring on the outside of the red atom with 2 smaller red atoms on the blue ring. On the outside of the blue ring described there are 8 smaller red rings.
Best for me to leave it rather than give a wrong answer
If you post which of the following is true about the atom shown below and click on the open study it shows the image.
in google.
OK. I'm guessing here that the part in the middle is a nucleus of an atom. The first blue ring probably is the first orbit with 2 electrons in it and the second blue ring is the second orbit with 8 electrons in it. If my guess is right that is a depiction of the atom Ne. There are two answers that are correct. B is right since Ne is a noble gas and has few if any reactions. But it also is in group 18. If only one answer can be correct my gut feeling is that it is D
is the students guess about the mass of gas correct
thats the picture of the atom
You forgot to mention you have to choose two answers.
Callie's answers are correct