Which of the following is proven true with an investigation of NAFTA? Answer: NAFTA resulted in job losses for some Americans but also lower prices on goods sold in the U.S.

Which type of trade agreement is the USMCA? Answer: Regional

After investigating intergovernmental organizations, what makes the UN different from others? Answer: The UN does many different things in the world; other organizations are focused on more specific world problems.

Which treaty helped secure the safety of Europe during the Cold War? Answer: The North Atlantic Treaty

What was the main purpose of both NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) and the USMCA (United States–Mexico—Canada Agreement) that replaced it? Answer: to remove trade barriers among the three countries

100% I personally failed but these are the correct responses. Have a good night/day 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼.

1 answer

Thank you, these are indeed the correct responses. Have a good night/day! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼