which of the following is not a characteristic of life

A. maintains homeostasis
B. composed of cells
C. composed of atoms
D. carries out metabolism

which of the following must be true to consider something to be alive?
A. it must be able to replicate it's DNA
B. it must be able to respond to light
C. it must be able to convert energy from one form to another
D. it must be able to move

which of the following represents a correct sequence of levels within the hierarchy of life?
A. community, population, biosphere
B. cell, population, organism
C. cell, organism, tissue
D. cell, organism, organ system

my answers for 1 2 3 are C, A, B are these answers correct please help

3 answers

please help ms sue
Sorry. The only biology class was taught by a very poor teacher -- and that was back about 1949.
Since Jiskha doesn't have a biology expert at this time, please try posting your question at this site.


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