Which of the following is an example of music piracy?

Borrowing your friend's CD
Borrowing a CD from the library
downloading music for $1.00 from a site like Pandora, or Spotifiy
copying a CD from your friend and giving it to another friend?

7 answers

Copying a CD from your friend and giving it to another friend is an example of music piracy.
Where is not a place where it is NOT legal to download the music of someone like Taylor Swift whose records are sold in stores?
Personal Blogs****
Reputable music sources
the artist's website
websites like Spotifiy that specializing in free public domain music
Personal Blogs.
if there was a case of Music piracy, between lets say me, and say Shawn Mendes and his produsers, who would be the victim? Me or him?
In a case of music piracy, the victim would typically be the artist, in this case, Shawn Mendes and his producers. Music piracy involves unauthorized copying, distribution, or downloading of copyrighted music, which directly affects the rights and revenue of the artist and their authorized distributors.
thanks a bunch
You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.