Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Adams and Jackson?
(1 point)
Adams supported efforts to promote the growth of businesses, while Jackson supported efforts to help the ordinary man.
Adams supported efforts to promote the growth of businesses, while Jackson supported efforts to help the ordinary man.
Jackson supported the idea of high tariffs to increase revenue, but Adams wanted to end high tariffs.
Jackson supported the idea of high tariffs to increase revenue, but Adams wanted to end high tariffs.
Adams had strong support from the rural areas in the South and West, but Jackson’s strongest supporters were from the North.
Adams had strong support from the rural areas in the South and West, but Jackson’s strongest supporters were from the North.
Jackson wanted to improve the territory already under the control of the U.S., but Adams wanted to expand territory to the Pacific Ocean.
7 answers
Use the cartoon to answer the question.
Why does the cartoon, from the Bank War in 1832, portray President Jackson as a king?
(1 point)
Many people felt he was motivated by his own wealth.
Many people felt he was motivated by his own wealth.
Some felt he had used his power inappropriately in vetoing legislation to recharter the Bank.
Some felt he had used his power inappropriately in vetoing legislation to recharter the Bank.
Some felt there remained questions about the legitimacy of the election that put him into office.
Some felt there remained questions about the legitimacy of the election that put him into office.
Many people believed that his anti-Bank stance was to serve the interests of aristocrats.
Many people believed that his anti-Bank stance was to serve the interests of aristocrats.
(1 point)
Henry Clay
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
John C. Calhoun
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass
(1 point)
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the tariff.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the tariff.
Daniel Webster gave a speech to the Senate and the tariff was repealed.
Daniel Webster gave a speech to the Senate and the tariff was repealed.
South Carolina passed the Nullification Act, which canceled the tariff outright.
South Carolina passed the Nullification Act, which canceled the tariff outright.
Henry Clay proposed a compromise tariff that eventually eased tensions.