Which of the following is a structured argument in which speakers present opposing viewpoints?%0D%0A*%0D%0Aconversation%0D%0Aspeech%0D%0Adebate%0D%0Adiscussion%0D%0AWhich of the following best describes a collegial discussion?%0D%0A*%0D%0Astrict%0D%0Arespectful%0D%0Aemotional%0D%0Alengthy%0D%0AWhy is it important for a collegial discussion to have rules?%0D%0A*%0D%0AIt creates a space for people to discuss whatever they want.%0D%0AIt creates an open and judgment-free zone.%0D%0AIt ensures someone writes down the ideas.%0D%0AIt makes everyone agree during the debate.%0D%0AThe language used in speeches changes based on the __________%0D%0A*%0D%0Apatterns%0D%0Aaudience%0D%0Aquestions%0D%0Atime%0D%0AWhich kind of sentences give commands?%0D%0A*%0D%0Aimperative%0D%0Adeclarative%0D%0Ainterrogative%0D%0Aexclamatory%0D%0AWhat can happen if a claim is not backed up by the proper reasons and evidence?%0D%0A*%0D%0AIt will prove that the claim is incorrect.%0D%0AIt will change the opinion of the person making the claim.%0D%0AThe audience won't believe the claim.%0D%0AThe audience will be satisfied with the claim.%0D%0AUse the sentence to answer the question: I couldn't hardly hear the teacher because the other students were making too much noise. <<Which aspect of the sentence shows evidence of informal language?>>%0D%0A*%0D%0Aintensive pronoun%0D%0Aslang%0D%0Adouble negative%0D%0Asentence structure%0D%0AWhile preparing for a collaborative discussion, a student finds a text to use. Which step should the student take first with this text?%0D%0A*%0D%0ATake notes on it and highlight it.%0D%0AStop doing research.%0D%0ARead through it and become familiar with it.%0D%0AFind answers to questions about the text.%0D%0ADuring a collaborative discussion about a short story, how can you support your point of view?%0D%0A*%0D%0ACritique someone else's claim.%0D%0AAdapt your speech to the audience.%0D%0ACome prepared for the discussion.%0D%0AProvide information to support ideas.%0D%0AWhich tone might a lawyer use in court when delivering a speech?%0D%0A*%0D%0Aprofessional%0D%0Aconfused%0D%0Afriendly%0D%0Ainformal%0D%0AHow do you determine the opinion of a speaker in a collaborative discussion?%0D%0A*%0D%0Athrough their reflection%0D%0Athrough their claim%0D%0Athrough their evidence%0D%0Athrough their reasons%0D%0AAll evidence for a claim should%0D%0A*%0D%0Arelate back to the argument.%0D%0Arepresent multiple sides.%0D%0Abe from only one text or source.%0D%0Abe the presenter's opinion.%0D%0AWhich of the following roles apply to the facilitator in a collegial discussion?%0D%0A*%0D%0Ato guide the discussion among the group%0D%0Ato share the discussion with the class%0D%0Ato write down ideas for the group%0D%0Ato make sure ideas match the materials%0D%0AWhich type of language is specific to a particular profession or academic subject?%0D%0A*%0D%0Ajargon%0D%0Aslang%0D%0Ainformal%0D%0Astandard%0D%0AWhich of the following describes tone in a speech?%0D%0A*%0D%0Asentences that show strong emotion%0D%0Afeeling expressed in a person's speech%0D%0Athe pitch of a speaker's voice%0D%0Ahow the audience feels about the person's speech%0D%0AWhich of the following is a rule of a collegial discussion?%0D%0A*%0D%0AInsist your point of view is correct.%0D%0AWait patiently for your turn.%0D%0ADo research while others are speaking.%0D%0ATalk louder than others.%0D%0AHow should you listen in a collegial discussion?%0D%0A*%0D%0Areluctantly%0D%0Awith your next thought in mind%0D%0Aactively%0D%0Aby changing the topic%0D%0AGreat speeches usually start out as%0D%0A*%0D%0Asomeone else's ideas%0D%0Along texts%0D%0Aclass discussions%0D%0Awritten essays%0D%0AIn a debate, a student claims that people's attention spans have been impacted, and even reduced, by spending too much time online. Which of the following could be evidence to support this claim?%0D%0A*%0D%0Athe data from a scientific study which focused on the human attention span that took place over the past two years%0D%0Aa summary of a book published in 19

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97 that mentioned the negative effects of technology%0D%0Aquotes from fictional characters in movies and TV shows who complain about not being able to concentrate%0D%0Aan opinion piece written by a journalist who believes people's attention spans are just as strong as ever