The best answer choice is: the construction of chinampas.
Chinampas were man-made islands built by the Aztecs in order to navigate the swampy land and lakes around their city of Tenochtitlan. These rectangular areas of fertile land were made by layering mud and vegetation on top of a wooden frame, creating a stable foundation for agriculture. Chinampas were used to grow crops such as maize, beans, and squash, and were an important part of the Aztec agricultural system. They helped the Aztecs utilize the natural resources of their environment and provided a sustainable source of food for their growing population.
Which of the following is a form of infrastructure used by the Aztec to navigate swamp land and lakes? Give the best answer choice, and explain.

the construction of pyramids, temples, and houses
the construction of pyramids, temples, and houses

the construction of chinampas
the construction of chinampas

the construction of canals
the construction of canals

the construction of railroads
1 answer