I is neither continuous nor differentiable
f(x) does not exist for x<1, so there is no limit from the left.
Taking just the limit on the right, y' does not exist at x=1.
II is not continuous, so cannot be differentiable
y(1) = 1
lim x->1+ = 2
III is continuous, bit not differentiable.
y'=1 for x <=1
y' -> -1 as x->1+
Which of the following functions is continuous but not differentiable at x = 1?
III. y={x,x≤1
I'm not really sure how to do this, but I've been trying and I keep getting
both I and III.. am I wrong?
2 answers
On apex 1 and 3 are both correct
so select the option 1 and 3 only
so select the option 1 and 3 only