Which of the following does the scope of a project refer to

2 answers

1. The size of the research project
2. When new information leads you to a different topic, when it does not match the scope of your project.
3. What is Egyptian civilization, what are all the animals that live in the dessert.
4.what are the differences between mammals and marsupials.
( ̄︶ ̄)↗ have a good day
Using Sources - Quick Check

1: Which of the following does the scope of the project refer to?
Answer: The SIZE of the research project

2: Which of the following are reasons to change your research question?
Answer: When it does not match the scope of your project
When new information leads you to a different topic

3: Which research questions are too broad for a three-page research paper?
Answer: What are all the animals that live in the desert?
What is the Egyptian civilization?

4: A student begins an inquiry for a two-page essay with the research question, "What are some examples of mammals?" After doing some research, they discover they are more interested in focusing on marsupials. Which of the following would be their revised research question?
Answer: What are the differences between mammals and marsupuals?

tip: A marsupial is a mammal that raises its newborn offspring inside an external pouch at the front or underside of their bodies.

in conclusion: D
B & C
C & D
D !!might be different for you!!