{37, 19, 40, 54, 75, 68}
left brace 37, 19, 40, 54, 75, 68 right brace
This data set has the smallest range, as the difference between the maximum and minimum values is 56.
Which of the following data sets has the smallest range?(1 point)
{148, 145, 117, 148, 199, 172}
left brace 148, 145, 117, 148, 199, 172 right brace
{37, 19, 40, 54, 75, 68}
left brace 37, 19, 40, 54, 75, 68 right brace
{50, 30, 10, 0, 80, 100}
left brace 50, 30, 10, 0, 80, 100 right brace
{324, 318, 367, 312, 389, 337}
1 answer