Which of the following chronological listings for eras of Texas history is correct.
A. Civil War Texas, Early Statehood, Era of reform. the Great Depression
B. Era of Reform, Early Statehood, Civil War Texas, the Great Depression
C. the Great Depression, Civil War Texas, Early Statehood, Era of Reform
D. Early Statehood, Civil War Texas, Era of Reform, the Great Depression
I think the answer is C.
Please help me.
7 answers
How can early statehood come after the Civil War?
Is it A then
No. I've checked two of your answers. You're on your own now. Please do not post this question and answer again.
Justin is now banned because of posting the same question twice under different names and then continually posting the same answers, even after Ms. Sue's directions above.
if you guys are teachers shouldn't you be doing something about this site don't get me wrong I love it but its a whole site for cheating so you shouldn't really be banning people like duh boi
its c
Its D!!!