Which of the following choices best paraphrases the concept of release in the community in chapter 19?

*Remember, paraphrasing is rewording a passage of text to clarify, or make a concept easier to understand.

A. Jonas witnesses his Father release the smaller of newchild twins. The procedure involves the Nurturer carefully placing a syringe filled with clear liquid into its vein, which then causes it to become limp and lifeless. Then, he gently places the lifeless body into a container, and into a chute designated for Elsewhere. Essentially, Jonas learns that when someone is released from the community, they are killed through lethal injection (Lowry 148-151).

B. In chapter 19, Jonas watches his Father release a newchild on a screen in The Giver's dwelling. What he sees shocks and horrifies him, because his Father kills the newchild because he is the twin that weighs less, and twins aren't allowed in the community because having two identical people in the community would be too confusing (Lowry).

C. Release is a fate similar to death in Jonas's community. When someone is released, that same individual never returns, and is never heard from again. While those who are released are said to go to Elsewhere, they are really injected with a clear liquid in a syringe, and killed. The Old; newchildren deemed Inadequate; the smaller twin; citizens who apply for being too different; and citizens who commit more than two minor transgressions are all subject to release. (Lowry).

1 answer

D. In chapter 19 of The Giver, Jonas witnesses his Father release a newchild from the community. This involves the Nurturer injecting a syringe filled with a clear liquid into the newchild's vein, which causes it to become limp and lifeless. The lifeless body is then placed into a container and sent to Elsewhere, which is a euphemism for death (Lowry 148-151).