which of the following best explains the vows a monk and nun took to join their oganazations

1 answer

The vows a monk and nun take to join their organizations are primarily focused on renouncing worldly attachments and dedicating themselves to a life of spiritual practice and service. These vows usually include celibacy, poverty, obedience, and chastity.

1. Celibacy: Monks and nuns commit to abstain from sexual activities and relationships, considering themselves married to a spiritual path instead.

2. Poverty: They renounce personal possessions and live a simple lifestyle, relying on the community for their basic needs.

3. Obedience: They vow to follow the orders and guidance of their superiors within the organization, prioritizing collective harmony and discipline.

4. Chastity: This vow extends beyond celibacy and includes refraining from indulging in lustful thoughts or behavior.

These vows are taken as a way to detach oneself from worldly distractions and focus completely on spiritual growth, self-discipline, and serving others.