Which of the following accurately evaluates the impact of feudalism after the fall of Western Rome?

Feudalism developed in order to counter the power of nation-states.

Feudalism strengthened the power and authority of the pope.

Feudalism was an effective protective measure against Germanic tribes.

Feudalism was created by the Papal States as a “thank you” to Charlemagne.

Which of the following statements best describes the development of England as a nation-state?(1 point)

When Parliament was established by the Romans, the idea of rule by legal precedent began in England. Over time, Parliament lost power and the king became the absolute power in England, which continues today.
When Parliament was established by the Romans, the idea of rule by legal precedent began in England. Over time, Parliament lost power and the king became the absolute power in England, which continues today.

As the need for protection gradually decreased, feudalism was replaced by monarchs who ruled by laws and legal precedent. Eventually, Parliament became more powerful than the monarch.
As the need for protection gradually decreased, feudalism was replaced by monarchs who ruled by laws and legal precedent. Eventually, Parliament became more powerful than the monarch.

After William the Conqueror became king of England, he enacted the Doomsday Book and other legal precents that established that Parliament and the monarch would rule England as equal powers.
After William the Conqueror became king of England, he enacted the Doomsday Book and other legal precents that established that Parliament and the monarch would rule England as equal powers.

After William the Conqueror became king of England, he passed the Magna Carta, which created Parliament.

Identify which of the following is a key geographic feature of medieval England.(1 point)


coastal territories
coastal territories

land below sea level
land below sea level

exclusively inland territories without access to water
exclusively inland territories without access to water
Which of the following best describes the key geographic features and borders of Spain?(1 point)

Pyrenees Mountains to the south, Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and Alps in the east
Pyrenees Mountains to the south, Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, and Alps in the east

Pyrenees Mountains to the north, Mediterranean Sea to the east, Atlantic Ocean to the south, and Portugal to the west
Pyrenees Mountains to the north, Mediterranean Sea to the east, Atlantic Ocean to the south, and Portugal to the west

Arctic Ocean and Baltic Sea to the north and low-lying coastal lands throughout
Arctic Ocean and Baltic Sea to the north and low-lying coastal lands throughout

permafrost and the Arctic Ocean

Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.(1 point)

Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land.
Peasants received tithes in return for working the lords’ land.

Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.
Their agreement allowed peasants to avoid working on Catholic Church lands.

Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.
Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.
Their agreement allowed peasants to fish and hunt on the manor.

1 answer

Here are the answers to the questions you've provided:

  1. Which of the following accurately evaluates the impact of feudalism after the fall of Western Rome?

    Correct Answer: Feudalism was an effective protective measure against Germanic tribes.

    (Feudalism emerged as a way to provide security and maintain order in a period marked by warfare and invasions, especially from groups like the Germanic tribes.)

  2. Which of the following statements best describes the development of England as a nation-state?

    Correct Answer: As the need for protection gradually decreased, feudalism was replaced by monarchs who ruled by laws and legal precedent. Eventually, Parliament became more powerful than the monarch.

    (Over time, especially after events like the signing of the Magna Carta, Parliament began to hold more power relative to the monarchy, leading to the development of England as a constitutional monarchy.)

  3. Identify which of the following is a key geographic feature of medieval England.

    Correct Answer: coastal territories

    (Medieval England had significant coastal areas, which were important for trade, defense, and fishing, among other activities.)

  4. Which of the following best describes the key geographic features and borders of Spain?

    Correct Answer: Pyrenees Mountains to the north, Mediterranean Sea to the east, Atlantic Ocean to the south, and Portugal to the west.

    (This accurately describes the geographic positioning of Spain in relation to surrounding natural features and countries.)

  5. Explain how feudal monarchs were able to exert power and control over peasants.

    Correct Answer: Peasants needed protection and land, which the lords provided.

    (In the feudal system, lords offered land and protection in exchange for service and loyalty from the peasants, effectively creating a system of mutual dependence and control.)

These answers give a clear view of the historical context and geographical features relevant to your questions.