None of the statements are true.
1. The Roman Catholic Church primarily uses Latin in its liturgy and writings, not English.
2. While the Catholic Church has been influential throughout history and has owned land and held power in various regions, it does not currently hold vast political power and land as it did in medieval times.
3. The capital of the Roman Catholic Church is Vatican City, located in Rome, not Constantinople (now Istanbul). Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, which split from the Roman Catholic Church in the Great Schism of 1054.
4. The Roman Catholic Church traces its origins back to Jesus Christ and the establishment of Christianity, not to Abraham.
Which of the folllowing is true of the roman catholic church
The roman catholic chrich used the english language when writing biblical texts
the roman catholic church hels power and land
the capital of the roman catholic church wwas constantinople
abraham was the founder of the roman catholic church
1 answer