Which of the compounds below exhibit geometric isomerism (cis-, trans-)?
here's what i got:
1-chloro-1-pentene - yes
1-heptene - no
1,2-dimethylcyclopentene - Yes
2-methyl-3-hexene - yes
2-methyl-2-butene - Yes
1-methylcyclopentane -Yes
1,2-dimethylcyclohexane - No
but my answer doesn't seem to be correct. please help
3 answers
I'm not an organic chemist AND I have trouble visualizing these in my mind, but I think 1 methylcyclopentane is no. There are no double bonds. I have trouble with 1,2-dimethylcyclopentene but you're probably right. The others I would agree with you. If you are putting your answers into a data base post to let me know if my answer is ok.
well i can't check to see if these are correct because it doesn't tell me.
i looked them up online. Here is what i found online.
chemicalforums . com/index.php?topic=25938.0#msg97599
please verify these answers because this homework is worth alot of points
i looked them up online. Here is what i found online.
chemicalforums . com/index.php?topic=25938.0#msg97599
please verify these answers because this homework is worth alot of points
It is 2