A rational terminating decimal is a decimal representation that comes to an end after a certain number of digits. To determine which of the given numbers is a rational terminating decimal, we can look for fractions whose denominators (when in simplest form) are only composed of the prime factors 2 and/or 5.
Let's analyze each option:
5 over 11: The fraction 5/11 has a denominator of 11, which is not a product of only the primes 2 and 5. Therefore, it is not a terminating decimal.
√39: The square root of 39 is an irrational number, so it is not a terminating decimal.
√12: The square root of 12 can be simplified to 2√3, which is also irrational. Therefore, it is not a terminating decimal.
1 over 3: The fraction 1/3 has a denominator of 3, which is again not a product of only the primes 2 and 5. Hence, it is not a terminating decimal.
7 over 8: The fraction 7/8 has a denominator of 8, which can be expressed as 2^3. Since 8 consists only of the prime factor 2, 7/8 is a terminating decimal.
Thus, the answer is 7 over 8.