which is the most important lesson that can be learned from the persian wars?

a. that athens alone could have beaten persia.
b. that persia was too powerful to ever defeat.
c. that the greek city states should stay independent at all times.
d. that a unified greece could beat a larger army.

11 answers

The most important lesson that can be learned from the Persian Wars is d. that a unified Greece could beat a larger army.

The wars demonstrated that when the Greek city-states united against a common threat, such as the Persian Empire, they could achieve significant victories despite being smaller in size and population compared to their adversary. This unity was exemplified in battles like Marathon and Salamis, where strategic coordination and cooperation among the city-states led to their success.

which of the following was the primary reason the olympic games were held?

a. the olympic games were held to honor the god zeus.
b. the olympic games brought together the different city-states.
c. the olympic games gave athletes privilges and fame.
d. the olympic games created conflict between the city-states.

The primary reason the Olympic Games were held is a. the Olympic Games were held to honor the god Zeus.

The ancient Olympic Games were a religious festival held in Olympia, primarily to honor Zeus, the chief god in Greek mythology. While they did have the effect of bringing together different city-states and fostering a sense of unity among the Greeks, the main purpose was religious in nature.

why do we still use fables from ancient greece today?

a. to teach moral lessons.
b. to illustrate tragedy
c. to teach about the gods
d. to teach about heros.

We still use fables from ancient Greece today primarily a. to teach moral lessons.

Fables, such as those attributed to Aesop, often convey important morals or life lessons through simple stories featuring animals and human-like characteristics. These enduring lessons remain relevant across time and cultures, making fables a valuable tool for teaching ethical principles.

which of the following describes life for children in sparta?

a. young boys got a well rounded education.
b. young boys were taught to obey orders
c. girls stayed home with their moms
d. boys were expected to participate in government

The statement that best describes life for children in Sparta is b. young boys were taught to obey orders.

In Spartan society, boys were taken from their homes at a young age to enter the agoge, a rigorous education and training system that emphasized discipline, obedience, and military training. While girls did receive some education and were encouraged to be physically fit, boys were primarily trained for their roles as soldiers, which involved strict obedience to authority.

how did geography affect the development of independent city-states? select the two correct answers.

a. the mountains isolated the city states
b. the sea seperated the city states
c. the coastal areas were not fertile.
d. the plains were barriers
e. the climate was wet in summer.

The two correct answers regarding how geography affected the development of independent city-states in ancient Greece are:

a. the mountains isolated the city-states
b. the sea separated the city-states

The mountainous terrain of Greece created natural barriers that led to the isolation of different communities, encouraging the development of independent city-states (poleis). Additionally, the sea played a significant role in separating these city-states while also facilitating trade and communication among them.

How was Athenian direct democracy different than American representative democracy? Select all that apply.
A. Athenian direct democracy allowed all women to participate and American representative democracy does not.

B. Athenian direct democracy allowed all free male citizens to make policy and American representative does not.

C. Athenian direct democracy allowed free male citizens to elect leaders to make laws and American representative democracy does not.

D. American representative democracy allows citizens to elect leaders to shape laws and Athenian direct democracy did not.

E. American representative democracy didn't allow foreigners to participate in government and Athenian direct democracy did.

The correct distinctions between Athenian direct democracy and American representative democracy are:

B. Athenian direct democracy allowed all free male citizens to make policy and American representative democracy does not.
D. American representative democracy allows citizens to elect leaders to shape laws and Athenian direct democracy did not.


  • B is correct because in Athenian direct democracy, all free male citizens had the right to participate directly in decision-making and policy formation, whereas American representative democracy involves elected representatives making policy decisions on behalf of the citizens.
  • D is correct because in American representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to create and shape laws, while in Athenian democracy, citizens participated directly rather than through elected officials.

A, C, and E are not correct:

  • A is incorrect because Athenian democracy did not allow women (or slaves or non-citizens) to participate; only free male citizens could.
  • C is incorrect because in Athenian democracy, free male citizens did not elect leaders; they participated directly in creating laws themselves.
  • E is incorrect because neither system allowed foreigners to participate in government; Athenian democracy was limited to Athenian citizens, just as American democracy restricts participation to citizens.